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innotech - 10/22/2011 11:37:47 AM
Problem installing
Hello to everybody,
I easily installed kentico v5.5 r2 on my vps and everything went ok. Now I am trying to install the free version of Kentico 6 on the same server with the same settings and while creating the db schema, I get this error:

ERROR: An error occurred: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: CREATE TABLE [CMS_Avatar] ( [AvatarID] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, [AvatarName] [nvarchar](200) NULL, [AvatarFileName] [nvarchar](200) NOT NULL, [AvatarFileExtension] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, [AvatarBinary] [varbinary](max) NULL, [AvatarType] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [AvatarIsCustom] [bit] NOT NULL, [AvatarGUID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [AvatarLastModified] [datetime] NOT NULL, [AvatarMimeType] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [AvatarFileSize] [int] NOT NULL, [AvatarImageHeight] [int] NULL, [AvatarImageWidth] [int] NULL, [DefaultMaleUserAvatar] [bit] NULL, [DefaultFemaleUserAvatar] [bit] NULL, [DefaultGroupAvatar] [bit] NULL, [DefaultUserAvatar] [bit] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [CMS_Avatar] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_CMS_Avatar] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([AvatarID]) WITH FILLFACTOR=80 ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [CMS_Avatar] ADD CONSTRAINT [DEFAULT_CMS_Avatar_DefaultFemaleUserAvatar] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [DefaultFemaleUserAvatar] ALTER TABLE [CMS_Avatar] ADD CONSTRAINT [DEFAULT_CMS_Avatar_DefaultGroupAvatar] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [DefaultGroupAvatar] ALTER TABLE [CMS_Avatar] ADD CONSTRAINT [DEFAULT_CMS_Avatar_DefaultMaleUserAvatar] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [DefaultMaleUserAvatar] ALTER TABLE [CMS_Avatar] ADD CONSTRAINT [DEFAULT_CMS_Avatar_DefaultUserAvatar] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [DefaultUserAvatar] CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_CMS_Avatar_AvatarGUID] ON [CMS_Avatar] ([AvatarGUID]) WITH ( FILLFACTOR = 80) ON [PRIMARY] CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [IX_CMS_Avatar_AvatarName] ON [CMS_Avatar] ([AvatarName]) WITH ( FILLFACTOR = 80) ON [PRIMARY] CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_CMS_Avatar_AvatarType_AvatarIsCustom] ON [CMS_Avatar] ([AvatarType], [AvatarIsCustom]) WITH ( FILLFACTOR = 80) ON [PRIMARY] : caused exception: There is already an object named 'CMS_Avatar' in the database.

The strange thing is that I installed it more than once and get the same error, though with 5.5 everything goes fine. I tried manually creating the db, creating it with dotnetpanel and so on. The server is Windows 2008 and SQL 2008.

any ideas?

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kentico_edwardh - 10/22/2011 12:25:53 PM
RE:Problem installing

Are you trying to use an existing database, or create a new database? If you are trying to use an existing database please make sure you are selecting the correct database for the version number you are installing.

It seems there was some previous version installed before, since the error is there is already an object named 'CMS_Avatar' in the database. You will need to manually remove all objects (tables, procedures, etc.) from your DB and then choose ''Use an existing database' option and this time check the 'Create Kentico CMS database objects' check box. Another option would be to create a new database just for version 6.0.

Best Regards,
Edward Hillard

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innotech - 11/4/2011 5:16:06 AM
RE:Problem installing
The server does not allow me to create new db through the cms and I have done everything possible (clean manually everything, create the db from the beginning, trying to install on another account and so on).

Any other idea?

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Member - 11/6/2011 1:01:27 AM
RE:Problem installing
I have exactly the same problem.

It is a brand new database - and it should not have that problem.

It looks like there is some error on the SQL script (maybe it creates the objects twice?)


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 11/6/2011 3:27:16 AM
RE:Problem installing

What is set on the DB level to be the database schema/owner? Regrettably, due to a bug it should be set to "dbo" - however this was already fixed in 6.0.3 hotfix.

Also, could you please confirm that the DB where you are installing Kentico is empty, without any previously created Kentico objects?

There are several options how this could happen too - e.g. some connection issue and the postback was executed twice - I just tried installing to a completely emtpy DB and it is working just fine. Could you please try to remove the DB, create it again and run the DB installer one more time - are you using also the option to create the Kentico objects or not?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Member - 11/6/2011 5:14:36 PM
RE:Problem installing
Hi Juraj,

Spot on - the installation failed once because of the dbo. on the scripts, and when I tried to run it again it failed with the CMS_AVATAR object duplicate problem.

I did exactly that - deleted the database, changed the scripts manually, and reran them - all worked.

The funny thing is that I had already installed 6.0.3 hotfix - the problem above ocurred when I was installing Kentico on the hosting server.

Thanks for the help.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 11/7/2011 1:27:53 AM
RE:Problem installing

That is strange - was the hotfix applied on the web project folder from which you executed the DB installation?

the DBO issue was fixed by this hotfix - however it is not fixing duplicate objects :-)

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus