Installation and deployment Questions on installation, system configuration and deployment to the live server.
Version 6.x > Installation and deployment > Kentico Deployment Options View modes: 
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neeraj.jain-aonhewitt - 2/1/2012 4:51:54 AM
Kentico Deployment Options

Currently we are using the pre-compiled/Published version of the codebase to deploy the website initially. But in future we would require incremental deployment of the website.
As pre-compiled version does not support import/export feature, please tell us what are the other options available for the deployment.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/6/2012 8:07:02 AM
RE:Kentico Deployment Options

The precompiled web site is mostly used when the development is done and there are no major or often changes. In this case, there are no better deployment options if you plan to change the web site frequently. The only safe way would be to precompile the web site every time.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus