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Nik - 1/24/2012 7:49:07 PM
error during site import | Kentico v6 | Win 2008 R2 Std 64 bit| no hotfixes applied yet
Any help or insight on this matter is greatly appreciated. We are getting the following error when trying to import a package into a Kentico 6 site. The package is from the exact same version. The import process stays at "
Copying objects files" for a long time. In the Windows Application log, we are seeing compilation error messages. Once I remove the "samples" folder from /App_Code/ the compilation error seems to be resolved. The kentico install is done to the following folder if this matters:
C:\Program Files (x86)\KenticoCMS\6.0

The error mesage in the Kentico event log is
ERROR:@@Error copying folder 'C:\inetpub\www-ss-cms\App_Data\CMSTemp\ImportExport\Data\Files\cms_pagetemplate\CMSTemplates' to the destination folder 'C:\inetpub\www-ss-cms\CMSTemplates'.
Message: Thread was being aborted.

Full error mesg:
Event detail
Event ID: 104
Event type: Error
Event time: 1/24/2012 3:31:18 PM
Source: Import 'servsafe' site
Event code: IMPORT
User ID: 53
User name: administrator
IP address:
Error during import process
Copying objects files
Rebuilding site indexes
Ensuring missing site settings
Processing additional actions

ERROR:@@Error copying folder 'C:\inetpub\www-ss-cms\App_Data\CMSTemp\ImportExport\Data\Files\cms_pagetemplate\CMSTemplates' to the destination folder 'C:\inetpub\www-ss-cms\CMSTemplates'.
Message: Thread was being aborted.
Stack Trace:
at Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native.CopyFile(String src, String dst, Boolean failIfExists)
at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
at System.IO.FileInfo.CopyTo(String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
at CMS.CMSStorage.FileInfo.CopyTo(String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
at CMS.IO.DirectoryHelper.CopyFileInternal(String sourcePath, String targetPath)
at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.CopyFile(SiteImportSettings settings, String sourcePath, String destPath)
at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.CopyDirectory(SiteImportSettings settings, String sourcePath, String targetPath)
at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.CopyDirectory(SiteImportSettings settings, String sourcePath, String targetPath)
at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.CopyDirectory(SiteImportSettings settings, String sourcePath, String targetPath)
at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.CopyImportFiles(SiteImportSettings settings)

ERROR:@@Error during import process
Message: Thread was being aborted.
Stack Trace:
at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.CopyImportFiles(SiteImportSettings settings)
at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.ImportObjectsData(SiteImportSettings settings)

Machine name: XXX
Event URL:
URL referrer:
User agent:

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/25/2012 2:56:05 AM
RE:error during site import | Kentico v6 | Win 2008 R2 Std 64 bit| no hotfixes applied yet

I have edited your post little and removed information that is not important - so the thread is not that long :-) I hope you don't mind.

Regarding your issue - the application thread is being aborted for some reason. The import is quite a big operation and it uses lots of resources - what is the CPU and Memory usage at that time? Are there set any limits for CPU and memory usage on your IIS? If so, the application is being killed by the environment once the limits are exceeded. Could you please increase or disable the limits?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Nik - 1/25/2012 11:23:31 AM
RE:error during site import | Kentico v6 | Win 2008 R2 Std 64 bit| no hotfixes applied yet
Hi Juraj,
Actually we aborted the thread i.e. clicked "cancel" because the import had just been sitting there for over 2 hours. That may be why it seems like it got aborted. I can re-run and leave it there but the only thing I see is the Windows Application Log compilation errors. Let me try the import again and I will post the entry from the Kentico Admin Log.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/26/2012 12:58:47 AM
RE:error during site import | Kentico v6 | Win 2008 R2 Std 64 bit| no hotfixes applied yet

Thanks for the clarification - however, please check the settings I mentioned. Maybe the application is being killed anyway and the callbacks in the browser just keep hanging there.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Nik - 1/26/2012 8:56:54 AM
RE:error during site import | Kentico v6 | Win 2008 R2 Std 64 bit| no hotfixes applied yet
Thanks, what you mentioned was a good clue to solve the problem. I re-ran the import but just checking one setting at a time ("import files", then next time "import global folders") and that seemed to do the trick. The export package had a lot of PDF's and possibly a memory or CPU limit might have been causing the initial issue. Its solved now, thanks for your great insight as always!
