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John-CymbalInteractive - 1/23/2012 4:35:43 PM
Synchronization error

I am attempting to synchronize between our staging server and production server. I have followed the guide, renamed the dll on both servers, and set everything up under Site Manager -> Settings -> Versioning & Synchronization -> Staging.

I am getting the following error:

Synchronization failed, see synchronization log for details.

Message: The request failed with the error message:
Object movedObject moved to here.

Stack Trace:
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at CMS.Synchronization.CMS.SynchronizationEngine.SyncServerWse.ProcessSynchronizationTask(String taskTitle, String taskType, String taskObjectType, String taskData, String taskBinaryData, String taskServerList, String systemVersion)
at CMS.Synchronization.SyncClient.RunTask(TaskInfo taskObj)

Synchronizing 'Update document Home' task

Synchronizing the tasks ...

Preparing the tasks for objects ...


The "Object movedObject moved to here" is markup when I look at it through the synchronization log which points to ~/Logon.aspx. I have modified the logon control so I am wondering if this could be the issue?


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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 1/24/2012 2:52:41 PM
RE:Synchronization error
Try syncing the whole page or parent node by going to the Document tab and finding the document and syncing it.

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John-CymbalInteractive - 1/24/2012 2:56:57 PM
RE:Synchronization error
No, that didn't work. Same error.

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kentico_edwardh - 1/24/2012 9:03:12 PM
RE:Synchronization error

The error (Object moved) usually means the staging server is trying to access the staging service on the target server, and is being redirected to the logon page instead. This indicates, that there is either some incorrect security settings, e.g. requirement of authentication, or IIS settings.

There may also be different versions of IIS used on one of the machines (staging or target?). The service ~/CMSPages/syncservice.asmx needs to be accessible for incoming requests from the staging server. Could you please check that you have the Server service URL field (in CMSDesk -> Tools -> Content staging -> Servers) filled with the correct path? I mean check if the syncservice.asmx is really located here? You can test it by set "~/CMSPages/syncserver.asmx" url into your browser.

Also, please note, that "Enable staging service" - ON - is needed only for production(target) server, not for staging servers as well as logging of changes is needed for staging server only. Please make sure these setting are correct as well.

Best Regards,
Edward Hillard

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John-CymbalInteractive - 1/25/2012 2:41:46 PM
RE:Synchronization error
Ahh, I see what my issue was -- thanks to your second paragraph. I was using:

for the Server service URL instead of

I am not sure how I missed that in the documentation but thank you for the help.
