Installation and deployment Questions on installation, system configuration and deployment to the live server.
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webnoel-yahoo - 8/29/2012 2:01:56 PM
Kentico 6 deployment
Hi there,

I am a newbie to Kentico and trying to do a deployment to a shared hosting server (IX Webhosting).

So the kind of deployment that works for me is:

1) Run Kentico Web Installer using deployment to remote site and deploy to folder called "deploy".
2) Export site objects and copy to Imports folder under deploy\CMSSiteUtils
3) Create a blank database and user with dbo access on the shared server.
4) Copy entire "deploy" folder with new db configuration in web.config to the Shared server.
5) Run to create objects etc.
6) Import site objects from the CMSSiteUtils/Import folder.
7) Perform minor necessary configurations in CMSSiteManager

I keep getting stuck at point number 5. The database creation stops at some point during creation. There are no updates on the screen but when I run fiddler, I get a stored procedure error as follows:

Could not find stored procedure 'Proc_CMS_SettingsKey_SelectGeneration'

Has anyone come across this? Any assistance would be well appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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Sam F - 8/30/2012 4:55:51 AM
RE:Kentico 6 deployment
Hi Noel,

Can you confirm if the database user have ownership on database and full permissions over it ?

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webnoel-yahoo - 8/30/2012 7:10:22 AM
RE:Kentico 6 deployment
Hi Sam,

Thanks for your response.

I have confirmed this with my Shared host server that by default all sql logins have dbo access on the database.

Secondly, not sure if this helps but there are other stored procedures that do get created.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm2 - 9/3/2012 1:04:24 AM
RE:Kentico 6 deployment
Hello Noel.

It seems to me that the SQL account that you are using on your new server does not have sufficient permissions to see your Kentico CMS database tables, views and stored procedures. Please make sure that the database schema for your database on your new server matches the db schema of the SQL account that you are using for your Kentico CMS.

Please note: From my experience this issue may occur if given account does not have write permission over DB.

Also – do you have an option on your hosting server to restore DB from back-up? If so, you could export DB on local machine and then simply restore it on server’s DB.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik