3/13/2013 4:06:14 AM
RE:Use alternative URL for dev site to keep live site up and running
I've tried a few things. I added the website by going to alliance.org.za/cmsdesk using localhost as the domain. Problem with that is I can't use localhost because it's on the server. Doing it from the server will also not work because localhost is the defaultwebsite for IIS. I tried changing the domain to alliance.genepool.co.za and now get Invalid licence key error.
I also tried creating a new site on alliance.genepool.co.za, and I can get it working perfectly, except I have to use a free licence which does not have all the functionality I need to do the development on the website.
Is there any way you can issue a trial/temp licence for alliance.genepool.co.za? Our deadline is 12/05/2013, so we don't need more than 2 months valid licence, because after that the site moves to alliance.org.za and ultimate licence is used.
Please help me, I need to start developing the new site, but can't even get to the stage where I can create it without having to buy a new licence...