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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > New webpart renderedHTML View modes: 
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poostwoud-gmail - 10/24/2011 10:22:16 AM
New webpart renderedHTML

For a new webpart based on CMSListMenu I want to influence the html generated by default. I've read several posts where the advice is to use the RenderedHTML property.

This property contains only HTML when the OnPreRender event is called. In general this is quite late as the full structure is already created here. I want to hook to an earlier moment where I can have influence on each level and item created.

According to the threads it should be done using LoadDataAutomatically false so the RenderedHTML can be set from OnContentLoaded. However, no matter what I try, the RenderedHTML is always empty in this event, and giving it a value in this event doesn't seem to have any effect.

I also thought about using the Render item ID feature, so at least every element is given an unique ID. Unfortunately for multilevel menus the id attribute is sometimes given to the UL elements more than once. So this doesn't really help.

Any thought on how to handle this in a better way?



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poostwoud-gmail - 10/24/2011 5:13:13 PM
RE:New webpart renderedHTML

Figured out this one. Will post the result asap.
