Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Membership Field in the User System Table View modes: 
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Gitesh - 11/24/2011 10:36:39 PM
Membership Field in the User System Table
HI guys,

I am having users in my website who can renew their membership (each user will be assigned to a specific membership manually).

Now I want that each user can only renew the membership that they are assigned to but they cannot buy a new membership.

Ex: Membership page based on users. i.e Affilaite member can only see renew options for Affiliate and not for any other membership.

I am comfortable creating 5 different pages for 5 type of membership.

Can anyone give me some suggestions how this can be done?

Gitesh Shah

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 11/25/2011 2:31:06 AM
RE:Membership Field in the User System Table

I would suggest to approach this with content personalization. You would display only specific products (memberships) for users in a given category. The given category can be also a role. If you have different roles then you can use personalization and have for example 5 repeaters with 5 different products and display only one repeater per role. A different approach would be to use a custom macro which would display the products according to some pattern.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
Gitesh - 11/28/2011 3:17:42 PM
RE:Membership Field in the User System Table
Thanks Boris,

Nice idea.

I have created a Role and added that role to a Membership.

So everyone under that role will only see one membership option. Now I can also restrict my 5 repeater webparts according to the roles.

Gitesh Shah