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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Regrading the Ecomemrce Module... Urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!! View modes: 
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sansugoi_sayounara-hotmail - 12/5/2011 12:38:31 AM
Regrading the Ecomemrce Module... Urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi all,

Thid is very very urgent..I am facing problem in ecommerce module,,When user return from paypal succesfulle, then it is not send email to user, and wehn I check in admin it is showing "NO" in ispaid column. When I changes the status to yes, It send the email to user that payment is recieved, but how to the user will download the ebook which he bought.
Please guid eme.. user should get an email after the payment and then he should get the detail from he can download the e-book hw bought. I am new to jentico please guide me as this is very very urgent..

I have one more question My trial period is going to expire after the extensio period, can I get one more extension as I have created my first website and other thing in tril version otherwise I have to create everything again..


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/5/2011 6:45:51 AM
RE:Regrading the Ecomemrce Module... Urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is the PayPal payment gateway configured correctly and have you enabled the IPN service as described in the documentation?

Regarding the trial period - please send an e-mail to our support (support(AT)kentico.com) and send us the domain name you are using and we will extend the trial period for next 30 days.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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sansugoi_sayounara-hotmail - 12/5/2011 7:04:27 AM
RE:Regrading the Ecomemrce Module... Urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi juraj,

Thanks for your reply..I will chek it again,,,,How to create new product type and one more thing I did not understand the functionlity of department.Can you guide me about the department functionality..


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/6/2011 7:48:25 AM
RE:Regrading the Ecomemrce Module... Urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you already seen our E-commerce guide? There is also a topic on how to add new product type as well as the departments. Departments are basically a groups of products (e.g. your e-shop will sell t-shirts, shoes, jackets - so for each you will create a department, or it could be by trade marks, it is up to you) and it allows you to also set who will be able to manage which products in which department - different "e-shop admins".

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus