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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Red line with small dashes on static google map webpart View modes: 
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giorgos241089-gmail - 12/16/2011 3:02:55 PM
Red line with small dashes on static google map webpart
I am trying to use the google map web part and set the latitude and longitude in a specific location. I am 100% sure that the values i use are correct but the pushpin on the map appears in a wrong location in a red line with small dashes. The latitude and longitude values i try to use are 37.99322 and 23.65972 Has anyone experienced the same problem and is there any way to solve this?

Thank you in advance

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nicolas.juteau-nexun - 12/16/2011 4:00:50 PM
RE:Red line with small dashes on static google map webpart
Hi Giorgos,

Did you applied the latest hotfix (Hotfix 6.0.9) ?

There was some issue with latitude / longitude parsing if server culture was different than english.

It caused the pushpin to appear at latitude / longitude 0.

We recently had issue with google maps webpart / widget and applying the hotfix 6.0.9 resolved the problem.

I hope it will help.


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giorgos241089-gmail - 12/16/2011 4:25:41 PM
RE:Red line with small dashes on static google map webpart
No i have not applied the hotfix. Indeed, the culture of the website is set to Greek and not in English. I will try the hotfix and i will let you know if this is the problem.

Thanks once again for the help