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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Regarding the CSSListmenu itmes.. View modes: 
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sansugoi_sayounara-hotmail - 12/23/2011 12:26:27 AM
Regarding the CSSListmenu itmes..
Hi all,

I 3 pages underone page, but I want to display the parent page in top menu(CSSListMenu) and child pages in css tab menu in that page, but if I uncheck from show in navigation then it disappear from both, please guide , how to achieve this,..


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 12/24/2011 3:24:31 AM
RE:Regarding the CSSListmenu itmes..

Let's have following document structure (like in your case):

Parent 1
- Child 1.1
- Child 1.2
- Child 1.3

Now please open properties of menus and set:

Top menu properties:
Path: /%
Maximum nesting level: 1

Tab menu properties:
Path: /Parent 1/%
Maximum nesting level: 1

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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sansugoi_sayounara-hotmail - 12/25/2011 10:42:29 PM
RE:Regarding the CSSListmenu itmes..
You are right, but In top menu in other menu items I want to display the child items, if I will do as you describe above, then child of other page also no displayed, sis there any other way in which I want to hide the child of any item in top menu and in tbas I want to display the shild of that page.

Thanks Again


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 12/26/2011 4:51:09 PM
RE:Regarding the CSSListmenu itmes..

so top menu is rendered correctly now, right?

As for the tab menu. Is your whole menu only two level?

1. If you have menu in format:


and you do not have any sub-child, you could use context macro while defining the path property, so it would be resolved dynamically.

2. If your menu is more complex, you can write a custom macro, that will parse current alias path - its code is described here and based on it select children of current top level parent node.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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sansugoi_sayounara-hotmail - 12/26/2011 10:42:16 PM
RE:Regarding the CSSListmenu itmes..
Hi Ivana,

Thanks for your reply.. My concerns is that In top menu I have 3 items A,B,C but I want to display the child of A and B only not for C, but the child of C I want to display in the Page as tab menu.. If from the child page I uncheck the display in navigation then it hide the child pages from top and tab menu both... How to display the child page of one page in tab menu but hide in top menu...

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 12/27/2011 1:17:54 AM
RE:Regarding the CSSListmenu itmes..

You can add custom field to your document type (or to all document types that are used for documents which you would like to work with in navigation). This field can be of type boolean (true/false) and could be called let’s say HideInMainMenu or so. Once done, you can set this field to true (checked) for document C and keep it false (unchecked) for any other documents.

Then you can use Where condition property of your main menu web part to filter out documents which you would like to hide in navigation. Example:

Where condition: HideInMainMenu != 1
