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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Regarding the search error.. View modes: 
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sansugoi_sayounara-hotmail - 1/11/2012 12:05:53 AM
Regarding the search error..
Hi all,

I checked the "Search in attachment" option in Smart search dialog with results webpart, but when I am searching then it is hsowing following error:

"SQL Server encountered error 0x80070422 while communicating with full-text filter daemon host (FDHost) process. Make sure that the FDHost process is running. To re-start the FDHost process, run the sp_fulltext_service 'restart_all_fdhosts' command or restart the SQL Server instance"

This is urgent.. please guide me How to solve this error

Thanks and Regards


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/11/2012 1:41:02 AM
RE:Regarding the search error..

Is your SQL server set to use full text search (http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/6_0/devguide/configuratin_of_full_text_search.htm)?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus