Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
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steeltownguido-gmail - 1/10/2012 12:12:26 PM
Template Question
bit confused, I am starting from scratch, so I have a

master page (all is good)
3 page templates with different zones

however when I create page from one of the template any webpart I add to the page cascades back to the template and all other pages that inherit from the same page template.

how can I break that, I only want to inherit down from master page to page template to the page. so if I make changes to the master page or page template then yes cascade down to all pages, but not the other way around

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Certified Developer 9
Certified Developer 9
charbf - 1/10/2012 12:27:05 PM
RE:Template Question

You must edit your template's properties.

select your document >properties > template > Edit template properties

in the generale Tab beside Inherit content choose Inherit only master page


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 1/12/2012 8:01:40 AM
RE:Template Question

First, please read about Visual inheritance functionality which could explain it.

It is also possible that you refer to standard template behavior. Its description and workaround is described here.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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steeltownguido-gmail - 1/12/2012 11:16:17 AM
RE:Template Question
first I though my setup was wrong, so I tried a few things in your online test environment, has the same behavour, however further research that cloneing as ad-hoc does work. but then again if I wanted to make a change to the actual template those changes would also have to be cascaded to all the ad-hoc templates.

it just seams the design approach no offence is flawed.

yes I agree with some of the design
create an template add webparts and zones
derive a page from that template and go

that does work well for areas like blogs etc...

but does not work for basic pages, where you may want to flow to be the same but different static content on each page.

and when you are building a large site (say 100+ pages) maintaning 100+ templates is not an viable solution.

idealy one would want an spacific template for moduals ie commerce, blogs, forums, articals. and an few reusable templates for plan old text

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 1/18/2012 12:51:36 AM
RE:Template Question

I understand your point. On the other hand, we have customers with large sites, containing thousands of documents and they are using current (and I believe I can say usual) functionality with no problem. It is about knowing how to use all possibilities the system offers. For example, you can have one static template providing different content on each page. By static template I mean the one with the same web part zones and web parts. How the different (dynamic) content is done using this static template? Via dynamic web part properties. Typical example is Path expression, which can be relative (dynamic), therefore it is different according to where a current document is placed in your content tree and it pulls different data (more info about path expression can be found here.

You may also want to show / hide some web part on some pages only, without cloning a page template as ad-hoc template. It is possible, too, as you can set Display to Roles or Visible propebly via dynamic macro, so it is shown / hidden in some dynamic dependence – current user, current alias path, and so.

The list of possibilities is wide and I believe it offers reasonable solution for your scenario as well. You can send us by e-mail very particular scenario you have, and problem you are dealing with and we can try to advice you particular steps which could be done in order to do it in the most effective way. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik