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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Can I use image as a hyperlink in Kentico? View modes: 
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steven4733-gmail - 1/24/2012 2:13:34 PM
Can I use image as a hyperlink in Kentico?
in a document type I set one image field as file type, and user could upload their images by using a selector. In transmission I use <%# GetImage("Image") %> to display the image that they uploaded. However, I found if I add <a> markup in the transmission, the image won't display. I check the souce code of output page, it is
<a href='http://www.google.com'><img alt="" src="/getattachment/e0bfceee-a334-4e18-8ecb-ccd68c7ad9e1/New-document.aspx" /></a>

The image just doesn't show, but if I remove <a> markup, which the output source code is
<img alt="" src="/getattachment/e0bfceee-a334-4e18-8ecb-ccd68c7ad9e1/New-document.aspx" />

The image shows. Does anyone know the reason?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/25/2012 3:03:26 AM
RE:Can I use image as a hyperlink in Kentico?

When editing the transformation, at the bottom there is a link to a transformation functions help. There you can see that the output of GetImage function is a complete HTML code of an image - it means the IMG tag.

If you want to have the URL link, you should use the GetFileUrl function instead or together with the above function.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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steven4733-gmail - 1/25/2012 8:46:36 AM
RE:Can I use image as a hyperlink in Kentico?
Hi Juraj,

Thank you for your reply, I think you might misunderstand my question here. I know how to display the uploaded image, just whenever I add <a> markup, it doesn't show. I modified my transmission code as following:
<a href="<%# Eval("Link") %>"><img src="<%# GetFileUrl("Image") %>" Title="<%# Eval("Title") %>" /></a>

"Link" is the url field, "Image" is the uploaded image field, "Title" is a text field. The problem is the image does not show, however, when I remove <a> markup, images show up.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/26/2012 2:07:10 AM
RE:Can I use image as a hyperlink in Kentico?

and what is the rendered HTML code? Is it OK?

I am using this:
<a href=<%#GetDocumentUrl()%>><%# GetImage("FileField") %></a>

Or, whatever in the "href" parameter - absolute, relative URL, etc.

And it is working just fine.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus