Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Visibility - Description Text in Corporate sample site. View modes: 
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magnus-tenk - 2/7/2012 3:26:39 AM
Visibility - Description Text in Corporate sample site.
I'm really confused about how the Visibility of [Headertext] and [Descriptiontext] is controlled on [Corporate Site -Products]-based pages. When selecting a folder that contains n items they are visible and when I have a single product selected they are not visible.

I like this behavior but I do not understand why it is like this, and I really want to understand it. As far as I can see the Web part properties of these two are identical.


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kentico_michal - 2/7/2012 7:24:43 AM
RE:Visibility - Description Text in Corporate sample site.

These web parts has the property Show for document types set to CMS.MenuItem. As a result, they are displayed only on page menu item documents while they are disabled on product documents.

Best regards,
Michal Legen