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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Restored db, and site now redirects to wrong domain on login View modes: 
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joeh42 - 2/8/2012 4:19:03 PM
Restored db, and site now redirects to wrong domain on login
I recently restored my staging site and my local site from my development site's database. Now, when I log in to either of these sites, I am redirected to the development site.

I looked in the cloned web part and don't see the redirection logic.

I looked in the CMS Site Manager settings and don't see it either.

I checked that the site domain name is set to the correct value.

Is this value in the database somewhere?

Joe Hoppe

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joeh42 - 2/9/2012 3:29:52 PM
RE:Restored db, and site now redirects to wrong domain on login
nevermind :)

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 2/14/2012 4:26:00 AM
RE:Restored db, and site now redirects to wrong domain on login

So did you solve it somehow? If so, can you clarify what was the problem? It could help other people who will meet similar issue.

Otherwise, we can try to find out what’s the problem if you still need /want to solve it. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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joeh42 - 2/16/2012 2:07:43 PM
RE:Restored db, and site now redirects to wrong domain on login
Hi Radek,

I opened fiddler and saw that the redirect was coming from a different page - not the one with the login control.

The login was working successfully, but redirecting to a page that had URL redirection set. So there were 2 redirects

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 2/17/2012 3:56:06 AM
RE:Restored db, and site now redirects to wrong domain on login

I see. Thank you for updating me!

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik