Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Design Question View modes: 
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winone-gmail - 2/27/2012 2:27:28 AM
Design Question
Hello Kentico Experts,

I request your suggestion implementing the following scenario.

1. There are multiple vendor pages (40+)
2. Multiple sections in each page (like section 1,2,3 etc)
3. The structure of the data is almost same for all the vendors with some minor differences here and there
4. In the current environment, the data is stored in custom tables and rendered on a single page using query string that defines the vendor id.
5. Some sections of the page must be hidden based on user'r role

When considering migration to Kentico, what should be the approach? Create 40 pages and variants? or create custom data types/modules etc that enables managing the data through CKSDesk? If I take a custom module approach with custom tables to support the data store, how do I enable the user to edit the data inline in design model?

Your suggestions are appreciated.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 2/27/2012 7:51:48 AM
RE:Design Question

I would recommend you to create a sample sub-tree like:

--Vendor 1
---Section 1.1
---Section 1.2

If there are some specific data, you can create a custom document type and fill the data to the document type fields. Then you can display them on the template. You can also use editors widgets (Using widgets) and make some custom changes in the sections without using custom document types.

Then you can copy the Vendor 1 document (it will also copy the sub-tree) and change the name of the new parent document to Vendor 2. You can also create/copy the documents by code.

The advantage of creating a separate sub-tree of documents is that:

1. You can make some custom changes on particular vendor pages against a model.
2. They have separate URLs. It is needful for SEO.

They can share the templates. More information about templates:
Portal enigne templates
Page templates

If you want to store the data in the same way as before, you can use the Custom tables module. You can edit the records in CMSDesk and display them on the live site but the records do not have their own URLs (you can display one record using query string parameters).

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova