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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > CMSListMenu - Using multiple doc types View modes: 
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matt-pixelbuilders - 2/23/2012 7:23:17 AM
CMSListMenu - Using multiple doc types
Hi guys,

I've added a list menu to my masterpage, which I want to bring through CMS.MenuItem doc types and a custom doc type - CMS.Service.

As the documentation says I have semi-colon seperated the two in the 'Document types' field within the web part which looks like 'CMS.Service;CMS.MenuItem'.

However the CMS.MenuItem always seems to take preference and doesn't allow any others to be shown, as if I remove the MenuItem the services show but not when together.

Thanks for any help in advance,


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 2/24/2012 2:27:58 AM
RE:CMSListMenu - Using multiple doc types

Could you please export here all properties of your CMSListMenu web part? (there is a link for that on the bottom of the web part's properties window)

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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Certified Developer 13
matt-pixelbuilders - 2/24/2012 3:05:47 AM
RE:CMSListMenu - Using multiple doc types
Hi Jan,

Yeah no problem (The service doc type prefix is actually Pixel. I just thought I'd keep it simple in the original post).

Webpart properties (CSS list menu)

Alias path: /
Zone ID: zoneTopNav


Web part control ID: cmslistmenu2

Web part title:

Disable view state: False

Disable macros: False


Visible: True

Hide on subpages: False

Show for document types:

Display to roles:


Path: /%

Highlighted document path:

Content filter

Document types: Pixel.Service;CMS.MenuItem

Combine with default culture:

Culture code:

Maximum nesting level: -1

ORDER BY expression:

Select only published: True

Site name:

WHERE condition:


Filter name:


CSS prefix:

Display highlighted item as link: True

Display only selected path: False

First item CSS class:

Highlight all items in path: True

LI hover CSS class name:

Last item CSS class: last

OnMouseOut script:

OnMouseOver script:

Render CSS classes: False

Render item ID: False

Render link title: False

Render image alt: True

Item ID prefix:

Sub-menu indicator image:

Target frame:

Use alternating styles: False

Use item images for highlighted items: False

Apply menu design: True

Word wrap: True

Encode menu caption: True

No data behavior

Hide if no record found: True

No record found text: No data found

System settings

Check permissions: False

Cache item name:

Cache minutes:

Cache dependencies: ##DEFAULT##

Web part container

Web part container:

Container title:

Container CSS class:

Container custom content:

Hide container on subpages: False

HTML Envelope

Content before:

Content after:


Use update panel: False

Time zones

Time zone: inherit

Custom time zone:

Partial caching

Partial cache minutes:

Partial cache dependencies: ##DEFAULT##

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 2/24/2012 3:49:42 AM
RE:CMSListMenu - Using multiple doc types

This is strange. I have set it as you have, but it worked just fine also with custom document type. Could you please check, what color has a point next to your custom document in a document tree? Could you please take a screenshot of your tree structure in CMS Desk?

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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Certified Developer 13
Certified Developer 13
matt-pixelbuilders - 2/24/2012 4:04:09 AM
RE:CMSListMenu - Using multiple doc types
Hi Jan,

Here's the screenshot, the service doc types are under a folder under a page, not sure if this is having any effect. The folder isn't set to be hidden from navigation.

User image

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 2/24/2012 5:14:29 AM
RE:CMSListMenu - Using multiple doc types

That's it! Your custom documents are located under a document (a folder is also a document type), which is not listed in the menu, so they can't be rendered in the menu. Please add a folder type to the Document types property:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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Certified Developer 13
Certified Developer 13
matt-pixelbuilders - 2/24/2012 5:25:43 AM
RE:CMSListMenu - Using multiple doc types
Hi Jan,

That's great thanks. I don't suppose you would know of any way to get that folder to not actually be seen in the navigation? Obviously we could set it to not be seen, but that would mean the docs underneath would also not be seen.

It's not a huge deal as we could just remove the folder, just thought I'd ask incase you knew of a quick fix.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 2/24/2012 5:41:21 AM
RE:CMSListMenu - Using multiple doc types

Right, if you hide a parent document, all children disappear, because they would be floating somewhere in a space without a parent item (you actually broke a chain of the hierarchy). It would be possible to hide that folder by a css display:none property, but it does not make sense to have the Our services menu item and then one more level with the Services folder.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann