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jheavner-ce - 3/8/2012 8:52:12 AM
Help creating a user roster page
I want to create an Executive Leadership page. I have all my executives in my user database and I have criteria to filter on to pull them into my page. What I don't know how to do is order them by job title rank. So I want the CEO first, then the CFO, then CIO then senior VPs, etc. The other challenge I have is that I need a content editor to be able to manage this data. Right now I have users tagged in a custom user field to indicate that they belong to the Exec Leadership but I'd like the content editor to just be able to select the users and place them on the page in the correct order and then pull all the related data from the user table. I'm pulling all my users into the system using a scheduled job from Active Directory so that data stays current and I don't need the content editor to manage that part. In fact, I don't want content editors near the actual user data.

What's the best approach for this? I want to be able to treat users like documents so that content editors can add them, edit/delete them, and order them.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 3/9/2012 12:40:36 AM
RE:Help creating a user roster page

You can use a repeater with a custom query to get the data from the database or a data source web part with custom query together with a repeater web part. You can use a custom where condition to order the results according to the title rank.
Editing the user can be done in CMSDesk / Administration.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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jheavner-ce - 3/9/2012 8:15:02 AM
RE:Help creating a user roster page
I understand all of that however I would consider that an inelegant solution. Hard-coding order by values to specific job titles ensures that I'll be touching that code every time we get a new employee, someone is promoted, or someone leaves. I don't want to do that. If I filter on user data that means that someone needs to modify the user data to add or remove users from specific rosters. I'm not keen on letting content editors manage user data directly. While the solution you propose works and is easy, it requires too much overhead from technical resources and that's a bad implementation in my eyes. I need a way to let content editors manage this information.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 3/10/2012 8:34:54 AM
RE:Help creating a user roster page

In that case you can expose only the data you want to be edited by the content editor by a custom module for example. You would have only a user listing available with a dropdown list which would enable them to change the user title. You can have the different titles saved in a custom table, so managing it won't require other technical skills then the ones used to edit objects through the CMSDesk User Interface. Additionally, I am not sure what do you mean by the overhead from technical resources? If you don't want to pupulate the data dynamically, then you can create a new document type which will represent a user instance and display this document type.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko