Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > How to display document content View modes: 
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jacques.honore-alliance.org - 3/19/2012 6:47:56 AM
How to display document content
New to kentico system I am trying to display the content of a blog post I created on my website.

I can add webparts everywhere which let me list contents etc. but there is no way to display the main content which is the blog post itself.

Should I add something in particular in my page template to print the content? Or is it in a specific Webpart?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 3/19/2012 9:19:33 AM
RE:How to display document content

No, you can use standard repeater web part to display blog posts, but you need to get rights fields, which needs to be rendered through a transformation. An example of a working blog post transformation:

<div class="blogPostDetail">
<h1 class="black"><%# Eval("BlogPostTitle", true) %></h1>
<div class="bold"><%# Eval("BlogPostSummary") %></div>
<span class="black bold"><%# BlogFunctions.GetUserFullName(Eval("DocumentCreatedByUserID")) %> </span>
<span class="black">| <%# Eval("BlogPostDate") %></span>
| <a class="gray" href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>"><%# BlogFunctions.GetBlogCommentsCount(Eval("DocumentID"),Eval("NodeAliasPath")) %> comments</a>

But if you are new to Kentico, I suggest you to install a sample Corporate Site (Site Manager -> Sites -> New site wizard), where all common functionality is used in examples and please also follow the link below to our documentation:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann