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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Newsletter Subscription Double-Opt-In Confirmation Fails View modes: 
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spengelly - 2/27/2012 4:45:10 PM
Newsletter Subscription Double-Opt-In Confirmation Fails
I am implementing the Newsletter Subscription Double Opt-in for a site. I have configured the Confirmation Email Template and the Subscription Confirmation Page as per the Kentico Guide here http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?newsletters_double_optin.htm.

In this case, the user has the option to sign up for multiple newsletters.

I am finding that the confirmation page often fails. It seems to randomly not work. I have tried testing by signing up. Clicking on the links within the newsletter.

Has anyone else had this problem? Initially I thought users were clicking on the same link twice but now I am inclined to think it might be the way the link in the email confirmation is generated...

Any help/comments appreciated. Thanks.


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kentico_helenag - 2/28/2012 6:57:27 AM
RE:Newsletter Subscription Double-Opt-In Confirmation Fails

1. There is an interval when the subscription request is valid, 12 hours by default (Double opt-in documentation). Do you test it within this interval?

2. If you subscribe to multiple newsletters, you should get one e-mail for one newsletter. Does it happen? If you click on the link to submit the subscription, it will enable the subscription to only one newsletter.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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spengelly - 2/29/2012 8:22:01 AM
RE:Newsletter Subscription Double-Opt-In Confirmation Fails
Hi Helena,

Yes, i was clicking on the confirmation link within minutes.

And yes I got an e-mail for each newsletter subscribed to.

Do I need to create a separate page for confirmation for each newsletter?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/6/2012 2:09:24 AM
RE:Newsletter Subscription Double-Opt-In Confirmation Fails

you can use one comfirmation page for all newsletters. Are there any errors in Site manager -> Administration -> Event log?

Do you test it with the latest hotfix? Unless so, please apply it. Does it help?

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
spengelly - 3/12/2012 3:03:23 PM
RE:Newsletter Subscription Double-Opt-In Confirmation Fails
I have applied the latest hotfix 6.21. Will test it now to see if I can reproduce the issue.

No error messages in the event log related to this.

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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
spengelly - 3/14/2012 10:49:11 AM
RE:Newsletter Subscription Double-Opt-In Confirmation Fails
I have done some more testing and this is what appears to be happening. The subscription box has two newsletters available to sign up for. If you subscribe to one newsletter. Go to another page. Come back to the subscription form and subscribe again to the other newsletter. Then try to confirm the first subscription, it confirmation fails with the following message "Unfortunately your subscription was unsuccessful."

When I logged into CMSDesk and looked at the subscriber in Tools > Newsletters > Subscribers, you see that there is only one subscriber record and you can see that they have tried to subscribe to both newsletters as they are listed in the Subscription list. Just the one isn't approved.

If you subscribe to both newsletters at the same time (checking both checkboxes) the confirmations work.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/19/2012 10:17:04 AM
RE:Newsletter Subscription Double-Opt-In Confirmation Fails

I am trying to reproduce the issue but it works for me. Do you use the update panel for the Newsletter subscription web part? If so, can you try to disable it?

However, even if I use the update panel, subscribe to one newsletter, go to a different page, come back and subscribe to a second newsletter, and then click on the links from the subscription e-mails, it works ok. Do you know anything else what I can try? Can you test it on a clean 6.0 installation? Unless so, please send us an export of your site to support@kentico.com and we will inspect it. Thank you.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova