Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > LightBox Display View modes: 
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rangothonline-gmail - 3/25/2012 3:58:00 PM
LightBox Display
Forgive me if I am missing this somewhere, but I've been through the forums, help files, and documentation and cannot seem to figure this out.

I can only get the lightbox display to work when I add a file through the CMSDesk and upload an image file. Obviously this is not quite manageable for hundreds of files(across many pages). I was able to upload the files via FTP as a media library, but then I could not get the lightbox webpart to read from that section. There was a forum posting about this but it seemed related to version 4.X

I'm fairly technical but this is just evading me, so sorry for clogging up the forum. I'd be happy to gather any technical data that is important for someone helping me or follow step by step instructions. I tried this page: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/6_0/devguide/index.html?using_datasource_web_parts.htm

But had no success. It seems that the CMS.File object does not include the objects within a media library, which apparently are CMS.Community something.

I am not hard set on any one particular technique. I'm just trying to get a lightbox display to work with images that I can get into the system en masse.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/26/2012 2:35:06 AM
RE:LightBox Display
Hi Mark,

It is easier to get images to the content tree as CMS.File documents. You can use File import or Import toolkit to upload huge amount of files. Then you can use the built-in functionality of lightbox.

If you need to use the Media library, this KB can be helpful for you: How to display images from media library in lightbox or develop a custom functionality to display the media files in lightbox. You can get the files by API (Media files internals and API) and display them by a custom code.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

Best regards