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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > task notification email View modes: 
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yonatan-4hilton - 4/3/2012 4:37:02 PM
task notification email
Hi ,
i would like to know if i can set the email subject as i want.

currently I'm getting all the "Overdue task" under the same subject
i would very happy if i can get the task name and then the "Overdue task" title.

now its...
subject:4hilton-Overdue task

and i want...
subject:4hilton-Overdue task - make order in the books libraries


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kentico_alleng - 4/3/2012 5:44:33 PM
RE:task notification email

You can easily display the task name by adding the following macro to the subject of the email template:


You can edit the template by going to Site Manager -> Administration -> E-mail Templates and editing the template "Project Management - Overdue task".



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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
yonatan-4hilton - 4/4/2012 9:07:24 AM
[solved]task notification email
thanks a lot , its did the job