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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Field dependencies in System table SKU View modes: 
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josip.krajina-josakra - 4/11/2012 3:46:19 AM
Field dependencies in System table SKU
Dear Kentico Support,
We are trying to setup a special requirement within the System table Ecommerce SKU.
I am adding new custom field because our products needs much more data then the general one and we can not make document types because their are to much.
So I am creating new custom field in the SKU,
now my problem, I would like to add a first selection field where depending on the choice diffrent custom fields should be shown.
Example, within the general SKu System table their is the field "Product type" and depending which type you are choosing diffrent field are shown and needs to be filled.
The same functionality I need now for the custom fields

what is the right way to set this up..

thanks for you help

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/15/2012 4:40:56 AM
RE:Field dependencies in System table SKU

The best way would be to create a custom form control which will contain multiple form controls. For example if you want to have drop down lists, you will add two of them to the form control. First one will be loaded with your first values and then, on the selected item change event you will check what was selected and according to this selection you will load the values to the second drop down list.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus