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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Support for DKIM , DomainKeys signing View modes: 
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Allan - 4/11/2012 3:30:11 AM
Support for DKIM , DomainKeys signing
Does kentico have support for DKIM signing on its outgoing emails? any suggestion how to implement this along with Kentico?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/13/2012 1:11:37 AM
RE:Support for DKIM , DomainKeys signing

I am afraid but this feature is not available. I have already created a requirement to add this into the next versions.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Allan - 4/16/2012 3:15:42 AM
RE:Support for DKIM , DomainKeys signing
Will it be included on version 7 or any nearest version?

At the meantime, is it possible to use another component on sending emails? bypassing CMS.EmailEngine , EmailProvider.

Im thinking of this component http://www.limilabs.com/blog/sign-emails-with-dkim
or using standard MailMessage https://github.com/dmcgiv/DKIM.Net

What's the complications of doing this? Or is this even possible without affecting existing functionalities of kentico modules using it (eg Newsletter, Bizform auto responders/notification)...

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/16/2012 5:53:50 AM
RE:Support for DKIM , DomainKeys signing

Since I have added the requirement on Friday and there was the weekend, there is no exact plan for this feature yet. So, I do not think it will be added to currently developed version. Probably to the next one later this year.

And the customization - it is up to you but you will need to create a fully custom module and send all the e-mails using custom code. Basically disable all the areas from where are the mails sent out from Kentico and use custom module/code.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus