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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Resizable problem: CmsDesk->Form->LongTextField->Text Area View modes: 
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magnus-tenk - 5/7/2012 4:16:57 PM
Resizable problem: CmsDesk->Form->LongTextField->Text Area
I am a bit lost with the BizForms. I can't figure out how to lock down the size of the text area. In IE9 I can't change a thing, but in FF and Chrome anyone can resize the text areas at will. I used the on-line form widget to display it

What am I missing?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 5/7/2012 4:37:07 PM
RE:Resizable problem: CmsDesk->Form->LongTextField->Text Area

This is made by browsers automatically. To disable this behavior, please open your site stylesheet (Site Manager -> Development -> Css stylesheets -> <site stylesheet>) and add there following class definition:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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magnus-tenk - 5/8/2012 9:46:56 AM
RE:Resizable problem: CmsDesk->Form->LongTextField->Text Area
Oh my, why didn't i figure that one out. Thank you for the excellent support.