The issue that I'm having is while trying to evaluate a field in a transformation.
This is the code that I think
should work, but doesn't.
<article name='<%# Eval("Title")%>' class='<%# (DataItemIndex != 0) ? "hidden" : ""%>' hasSlideShow='<%# Eval("HasSlideShow")%>'>
<% if ( Convert.ToString(Eval("HasSlideShow")) == "Yes") { %>
<script>var photoViewer = new ProductPhotoViewer('<%# Eval("Title")%>');
<cms:CMSRepeater OrderBy="NodeOrder" runat="server" ClassNames="custom_1023.product_slide_slideshow_slide" TransformationName="custom_1023.product_slide_slideshow_slide.Default"></cms:CMSRepeater>
<% } %>
<%# Eval("InnerHTML")%>
More specifically it's
this line that should evaluate as true, but does not.
<% if ( Convert.ToString(Eval("HasSlideShow")) == "Yes") { %>
As you can see on the first line, I put evaluated this into an attribute on the <article> to see what it says, and sure enough it outputs as "Yes" when I believe it should.
As far as I can tell it shouldn't be an issue with my if statement because if I do
<% if ( DataItemIndex == 0) { %>
It does what I want as well.
Thanks in advance for the help.