Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Granular permissions View modes: 
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vtadepalli-allianceglobalservices - 6/8/2012 12:45:59 PM
Granular permissions
Is it possible to control permissions at a granular level? for example, I have an event details form along with a 'Register' link. I want to display 'Register' link only to certain roles and hide it for others. Similarly. for a news article, I would like to hide news details for users with certain roles. Is there a way Kentico supports this?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/8/2012 3:26:10 PM
RE:Granular permissions

The permissions are granular however, in this case you may need to use two sets of web parts - in the web part you can set "Display to roles" property or just simply use the "Visible" setting and use appropriate macro which will check the current user and return true/false so the web part will be hidden.

What I meant by two sets of web parts (or more) - I meant that one web part will be displayed in case A and second web part will be hidden and for the other set it will be vice versa.

I hope it makes sense.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus