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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > BizForms Submit Redirect to relative path View modes: 
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robert-tailor.co - 5/31/2012 6:01:02 PM
BizForms Submit Redirect to relative path

I have a BizForms page at a few different aliases. E.g.:


And I want to redirect the user to a 'Thanks' page. The 'Thanks' page is also at at the same aliases. i.e.


How can I set the BizForms to redirect the user to the relative Alias? So submissions from the ~/path1/BizForm.aspx redirect to ~/path1/Thanks.aspx.

After entering the relative path in the BizForms settings page (path1/Thanks.aspx), it turns out that Kentico doesn't respect relative paths and instead tries to redirect the user to:



So how can I set a relative path URL? It seems I can only set an absolute URL path right now, and that's no good for me when tracking campaigns.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 6/1/2012 1:49:00 AM
RE:BizForms Submit Redirect to relative path

You can take advantage of context macros and use them as a part of requested redirection url:

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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robert-tailor.co - 6/4/2012 4:29:21 PM
RE:BizForms Submit Redirect to relative path
That doesn't work - it attempts to redirect me to:


i.e. Kentico escapes the characters, and doesn't recognise the macro string.

This is when entered in the 'BizForms' -> 'General' -> 'After the form is submitted:' -> 'Redirect to URL:' field.

Should I enter it somewhere else?

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robert-tailor.co - 6/4/2012 6:21:08 PM
RE:BizForms Submit Redirect to relative path
By the way, I'm using Kentico v4.1. Were macros introduced into a later version perhaps?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 6/5/2012 1:32:51 AM
RE:BizForms Submit Redirect to relative path

May I ask you, why did you post this to a forum for version 6.x of Kentico CMS? Anyway, the approach I have mentioned doesn't work for version 4.x of Kentico CMS and you would have to customize the BizForm web part to redirect your visitors to the requested page. Or you can upgrade your Kentico to the version 6 and take advantage of macros.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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robert-tailor.co - 6/5/2012 3:59:35 PM
RE:BizForms Submit Redirect to relative path
May I ask you, why did you post this to a forum for version 6.x of Kentico CMS?

Oops! My bad. I came in via a search and didn't notice which board I was on. Feel free to move it to the v4.x boards.

Thanks for the additional info. We're migrating our sites to v6.0 now anyway, so this should resolve itself soon.

Best regards,


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 6/6/2012 3:35:34 AM
RE:BizForms Submit Redirect to relative path

Yes, after you upgrade your Kentico CMS to version 6.0, please apply the approach I posted here in my first reply.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann