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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > How to access the 'Show in navigation' Property of a document programatically View modes: 
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ronald.hariyanto-rapp.com - 6/15/2012 3:19:36 AM
How to access the 'Show in navigation' Property of a document programatically
Hi everyone,

How can we access the 'Show in navigation' Property of a document programatically?

Thank you

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 6/15/2012 4:02:08 AM
RE:How to access the 'Show in navigation' Property of a document programatically

All you need to do is to get the node you want that property set for. Here is an example for a current node:

CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode tn = TreeHelper.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentDocument.NodeID);
tn.SetValue("DocumentMenuItemHideInNavigation", false);

Best regards,
Jan Hermann