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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > passing parameters in querystring after signup View modes: 
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babupuchakayala-letuie - 7/20/2012 4:14:47 PM
passing parameters in querystring after signup
my requirement when new user creates account i need to redirect to user to the logon page with the email address using the querystring. After signup iam redirecting user to logon page using Redirect to URL:~/p/Log-in-page option.

how can pass the email address in querystring??

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Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 7/22/2012 3:38:31 PM
RE:passing parameters in querystring after signup

could you please provide more details about your requirement?

In case the user is registered, i.e. he inserted the e-mail address, it will be available in the CMSContext class. In case you would like to work with this value you can use API or context macro:


In case you would need to pass an e-mail to the query parameter you would need encode it first as @ is not allowed parameter in the URL. Then you would need to decode it.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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babupuchakayala-letuie - 7/23/2012 9:21:31 AM
RE:passing parameters in querystring after signup
after registering(user need to provide email, firstname, lastname....) new user (EngRegistrationForm.ascx) will be redirect to login page(EngLogOnForm.ascx) to login to the application.

My requirement is when new user redirected to the login page after registering i need to get the user email address and display that email id in username field in login page.... so i am trying to pass the email id in querystring... but i dont know how to pass i mean where.. how to achieve my requirement?

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Jiveabillion - 7/23/2012 9:52:08 AM
RE:passing parameters in querystring after signup
maybe an easier way to do this would be to store it in their session and retrieve it on the logon form.

Are these files you mention using built in registration forms, or have you customized them so you can have some more control over what happens?

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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
Jiveabillion - 7/23/2012 9:53:30 AM
RE:passing parameters in querystring after signup
Sorry about the session thing. Use the CMSContext.CurrentUser.Email or {%Email%} like Ivana said.

Wish I could delete posts sometimes.

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babupuchakayala-letuie - 7/23/2012 11:42:46 AM
RE:passing parameters in querystring after signup

looks like i dont need to encode the @ parameter. Its working without encoding the "@" parameter.