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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Document Attachments Form Control and System Tables - uploader controls not available in system tables View modes: 
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spengelly - 7/17/2012 9:32:36 AM
Document Attachments Form Control and System Tables - uploader controls not available in system tables
I want to add a document attachments field to a system table. I have modified the form control "Show control in" values to include system tables.

When I attempt to add a field to the system table the document attachment field isn't available to select. Not sure why. I tried to add other "uploader" type form controls such as the Direct uploader to system tables and none worked.

Is it possible to use the uploader type of form controls with system tables? I can't think why this isn't working.

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kentico_michal - 7/19/2012 6:15:01 AM
RE:Document Attachments Form Control and System Tables - uploader controls not available in system tables

The Document attachments form control is designed for standard documents and it is currently not supported in custom/system tables.

You would need to develop a custom form control which will allow you to upload and save the binary data to the custom table: Developing form controls.

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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Jiveabillion - 7/20/2012 8:42:47 AM
RE:Document Attachments Form Control and System Tables - uploader controls not available in system tables
In addition to what Michal has said, you will also have to create your own handler to read the binary data out of the custom table and return a file.

You might be better off doing some sort of meshing of your custom table with a media library. Create a custom form control that can upload a file to the media library and store the information you need to retrieve the file from the library in the field.

Either way, you have some work ahead of you to get what you are describing.