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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Ecommerce (version 6) Assistance Needed View modes: 
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jengel@jdb.com - 7/16/2012 4:12:18 PM
Ecommerce (version 6) Assistance Needed
We have had some turnover and don't have any consultants familiar with Kentico's ecommerce. We have a customer with a very simple ecommerce site and are looking for someone to help us through the setup process for the first time. They have a simple book store with a few items in it along with some books on tape and ebooks that they want to use the electronic distribution option for. In addition, they want customers to be able to sign up and pay for seminars on-line. We'd be looking for someone to set this up, and answer a few questions for our developers since we dont' have time for them to learn this themselves.

In addiiton, we want help just stepping through all ecommerce setup. Sales tax, shipping charges, invoice customization, payment gateway, etc.

If you would be willing to help with this project as a sub, please let me know.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/23/2012 2:08:53 AM
RE:Ecommerce (version 6) Assistance Needed

Maybe you should try to post this in the Jobs and Projects forum topic.

Or, you can also use our consulting services.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus