Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Accordion Web-Part Pane Headers View modes: 
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darren.allport-southstaffshis.nhs - 7/24/2012 8:55:49 AM
Accordion Web-Part Pane Headers
Just implementing an accordion web-aprt on v6 - i have 8 panes and the header titles add up to 265 chars.

I didn't realise there was a cap of 200 chars on this. Is there anything i can do to increase this as i don't want to state to the customer that they have to limit their text.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 7/25/2012 2:16:15 AM
RE:Accordion Web-Part Pane Headers

You can extend the limit in Site manager -> Development -> Web parts -> edit Accordion layout -> Properties -> edit PaneHeaders -> Attribute size. Then it will work for your longer strings.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Daz - 7/25/2012 2:36:42 AM
RE:Accordion Web-Part Pane Headers
Thanks - worked a treat.

Much appreciated.