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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > How to get preview mode of document again after closing the preview bar View modes: 
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hoppe - 7/18/2012 1:17:50 PM
How to get preview mode of document again after closing the preview bar
When I am viewing my site, often the 'preview' bar is visible along the top of the screen. Sometimes I close it, but then I do want to go back into the preview mode (not using the CMS Desk). I refresh the page, and sometimes it goes back into preview mode, but other times it doesn't.

Is there a way I can force the preview mode to show (if I have sufficient privileges)?

I.e., it would be great if I could append a query string like ?viewmode=preview and, if I have sufficient privileges for the page, see the preview of it.

Joe Hoppe

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm2 - 7/19/2012 3:41:39 AM
RE:How to get preview mode of document again after closing the preview bar

A preview bar is displayed if you see the live site and you are still logged in the CMSDesk/CMSSiteManager, in the same browser instance. Then, a wrong view mode is in the cookie and it makes KCMS think that it is still in design mode. Therefore it displays Preview mode only.

Regarding that query string, it is already there: ?viewmode=livesite

Basically, if you are logged in user interface and want to open live site in the same browser instance, you can click “Live Site” link in the UI.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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Certified Developer v6
hoppe - 7/19/2012 7:52:28 AM
RE:How to get preview mode of document again after closing the preview bar
Ah okay. If I close the preview bar in my tab, I can then go back to the CMS Desk in another tab. This will get me the cookie again. Refreshing my first tab will get it back into preview mode. This works for me

It would also be a nice feature if I could append the query string ?viewmode=preview to, if I have sufficient privileges, see the preview mode of the document.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 7/22/2012 5:56:32 PM
RE:How to get preview mode of document again after closing the preview bar

In case you would like to switch to the preview mode and have it opened outside CMS Desk, you can simply do a right click in the page content area (using Firefox) and select option This frame - Open frame in a new tab. This way, you will see Praview on the whole screen.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova.

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Certified Developer v6
hoppe - 7/25/2012 3:31:17 PM
RE:How to get preview mode of document again after closing the preview bar
Okay thanks!