7/26/2012 9:43:06 AM
RE:Filter not working in kentico version 6
using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using CMS.Controls; using CMS.GlobalHelper; using CMS.SiteProvider; using CMS.PortalControls;
public partial class CMSWebParts_AIS_EquipmentFilter : CMSAbstractQueryFilterControl { public bool FilterByQuery = true;
/// <summary> /// Child control creation. /// </summary> protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { SetupControl(); base.OnInit(e); }
/// <summary> /// Pre render event. /// </summary> protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { // Set filter settings if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { if(this.FilterByQuery){ GetFilter(); } }
SetFilter(); base.OnPreRender(e); }
/// <summary> /// Setup the inner controls. /// </summary> private void SetupControl() { if (this.StopProcessing) { this.Visible = false; } else if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { this.ddlCategory.Visible = false; this.ddlManufacturer.Visible = false; // Load Price options into filter drop-down list InitializePrice(); InitializeCertified(); // Load manufacturer options into filter drop-down list if (!QueryHelper.GetString("cat", "").Equals(String.Empty)) { this.ddlManufacturer.Visible = true; InitializeManufacturers(); } // Load Category options into filter drop-down list if (!QueryHelper.GetString("manc", "").Equals(String.Empty)) { this.ddlCategory.Visible = true; InitializeCategory(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Ensures all manufacturers are loaded within drop-down list as filter options. /// </summary> private void InitializeManufacturers() { string cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CMSConnectionString"].ConnectionString; // - BZS - 2-15-2012 - changed the query so that this pulled from SharePoint rather than from Kentico //string sql = "SELECT ManufacturerName, ManufacturerCode FROM View_CUSTOM_EquipmentManufacturers WHERE ManufacturerCode IN (SELECT eqManufacturer FROM View_Custom_EquipmentUsed_Joined WHERE CategorySEOFriendlyName='" + QueryHelper.GetString("cat", "") + "') ORDER BY ManufacturerName"; string sql = "SELECT Name, Code, MakeNameForTheWeb FROM View_CUSTOM_EquipmentManufacturers_v2 WHERE Code IN (SELECT eqManufacturer FROM View_Custom_EquipmentUsed_Joined WHERE CategorySEOFriendlyName='" + QueryHelper.GetString("cat", "") + "') ORDER BY Name"; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection cn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(cs); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql, cn); cn.Open(); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
this.ddlManufacturer.Items.Add(new ListItem("By Manufacturer", String.Empty)); while (dr.Read()) { // - BZS - 2-15-2012 - changed the query so that this pulled from SharePoint rather than from Kentico //this.ddlManufacturer.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["ManufacturerName"].ToString(), dr["ManufacturerCode"].ToString())); this.ddlManufacturer.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["Name"].ToString(), dr["Code"].ToString())); } dr.Close(); cn.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Ensures all categories are loaded within drop-down list as filter options. /// </summary> private void InitializeCategory() { string cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CMSConnectionString"].ConnectionString; // - BZS - 1-18-2012 - optimized code to use an inner join rather than a sub select. //string sql = "SELECT CategoryName, CategorySEOFriendlyName FROM View_CUSTOM_EquipmentCategories WHERE CategorySEOFriendlyName IN (SELECT eqCategoryName FROM View_Custom_EquipmentUsed_Joined WHERE eqManufacturer='" + QueryHelper.GetString("manc", "") + "') // - BZS - 2-15-2012 - changed the query so that this pulled from SharePoint rather than from Kentico //string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT C.CategoryName ,C.CategorySEOFriendlyName FROM [kentico].[dbo].View_CUSTOM_EquipmentCategories C INNER JOIN [kentico].[dbo].View_CUSTOM_EquipmentUsed_Joined J ON C.CategorySEOFriendlyName = J.eqCategoryName WHERE J.eqManufacturer = '" + QueryHelper.GetString("manc", "") + "' ORDER BY C.CategoryName"; ORDER BY CategoryName"; string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT C.Name ,C.CategoryNameForTheWeb, C.CategoryUrlFriendlyName " + "FROM [kentico].[dbo].View_CUSTOM_EquipmentCategories_v2 C " + "INNER JOIN [kentico].[dbo].View_CUSTOM_EquipmentUsed_Joined J ON " + "C.CategoryNameForTheWeb = J.eqCategoryName " + "WHERE J.eqManufacturer = '" + QueryHelper.GetString("manc", "") + "' ORDER BY C.Name"; //string sql = "SELECT C.CategoryName ,C.CategorySEOFriendlyName FROM [kentico].[dbo].View_CUSTOM_EquipmentCategories C ORDER BY C.CategoryName"; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection cn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(cs); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql, cn); cn.Open(); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
this.ddlCategory.Items.Add(new ListItem("By Category", String.Empty)); while (dr.Read()) { // - BZS - 2-15-2012 - changed the query so that this pulled from SharePoint rather than from Kentico //this.ddlCategory.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["CategoryName"].ToString(),dr["CategorySEOFriendlyName"].ToString())); this.ddlCategory.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["Name"].ToString(),dr["CategoryUrlFriendlyName"].ToString())); } dr.Close(); cn.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Ensures all prices are loaded within drop-down list as filter options. /// </summary> private void InitializePrice() { // Initialize Price int[] prices = new int[]{5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 50000, 100000, 150000, 200000, 250000, 300000, 350000, 400000}; this.ddlPrice.Items.Add(new ListItem("By Price", "0")); foreach (int p in prices) { this.ddlPrice.Items.Add(new ListItem(String.Format("{0:C}",p), p.ToString())); } }
/// <summary> /// Ensure all certification types are loaded within drop-down list /// </summary> private void InitializeCertified() { string[,] certs = { {"By Certification", "0"},{"AIS Certified", "AIS"},{"Komatsu Certified", "KOMATSU"} }; for (int i = 0; i < certs.Length/2; i++) { this.ddlCertified.Items.Add(new ListItem(certs[i,0], certs[i,1])); } }
/// <summary> /// Generates WHERE condition based on current selection. /// </summary> private void SetFilter() { string where = null; string order = null;
// Generate WHERE condition based on price selected if (!this.ddlPrice.SelectedValue.Equals(String.Empty)) { int p = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(this.ddlPrice.SelectedValue, 0); if (p > 0) { where = "(eqPrice IS NULL OR eqPrice <= " + p + ")"; //order = "eqPrice ASC, "; } }
if (!this.ddlCertified.SelectedValue.Equals(String.Empty)) { if (this.ddlCertified.SelectedIndex > 0) { if (where != null) { where += " AND "; }
switch (this.ddlCertified.SelectedValue.ToUpper()) { case "AIS": where += "(eqIsAISCertified = 1)"; break; case "KOMATSU": where += "(eqIsKomatsuCertified = 1)"; break; } } }
if (!this.ddlCategory.SelectedValue.Equals(String.Empty)) { if (where != null) { where += " AND "; } where += "(CategorySEOFriendlyName IS NULL OR CategorySEOFriendlyName = '" + ValidationHelper.GetString(this.ddlCategory.SelectedValue, String.Empty) + "')"; //order += "eqCategoryName DESC, "; }
if (!this.ddlManufacturer.SelectedValue.Equals(String.Empty)) { if (where != null) { where += " AND "; } where += "(eqManufacturer IS NULL OR eqManufacturer = '" + ValidationHelper.GetString(this.ddlManufacturer.SelectedValue, String.Empty) + "')"; //order += "ManufacturerName DESC, "; }
if (where != null) { // Set where condition this.WhereCondition = where; }
if (order != null) { // Set orderBy condition (removes trailing ,) this.OrderBy = order.Substring(0, order.Length-2); }
//this.lblWhere.Text = this.WhereCondition; this.RaiseOnFilterChanged(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets controls to current filter settings /// </summary>
private void GetFilter() { string cat = QueryHelper.GetString("fcat", String.Empty); string man = QueryHelper.GetString("fman", String.Empty); string prc = QueryHelper.GetString("fprc", String.Empty); string cer = QueryHelper.GetString("fcrt", String.Empty);
if (!cat.Equals(String.Empty)) { this.ddlCategory.SelectedValue = cat; }
if (!man.Equals(String.Empty)) { this.ddlManufacturer.SelectedValue = man; }
if (!prc.Equals(String.Empty)) { this.ddlPrice.SelectedValue = prc; }
if (!cer.Equals(string.Empty)) { this.ddlCertified.SelectedValue = cer; } }
protected void btnFilter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.FilterByQuery) { // Handle all query parameters string url = UrlHelper.RawUrl;
url = UrlHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(url, "fcat"); url = UrlHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(url, "fman"); url = UrlHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(url, "fprc"); url = UrlHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(url, "fcrt");
if (this.ddlCategory.SelectedValue != String.Empty) { url = UrlHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, "fcat", this.ddlCategory.SelectedValue); }
if (this.ddlManufacturer.SelectedValue != String.Empty) { url = UrlHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, "fman", this.ddlManufacturer.SelectedValue); }
if (this.ddlPrice.SelectedValue != String.Empty) { url = UrlHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, "fprc", this.ddlPrice.SelectedValue); }
if (this.ddlCertified.SelectedValue != String.Empty) { url = UrlHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, "fcrt", this.ddlCertified.SelectedValue); } // Redirect with new query parameters UrlHelper.Redirect(url); } else { // Set filter settings SetFilter(); } } }