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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Custom Filter and Event Calendar problem View modes: 
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acasal-imediainc - 8/14/2012 2:47:00 PM
Custom Filter and Event Calendar problem

I attached a filter to the event calendar web part. I made sure that the filter names were the same on each web part... However, I'm finding that whatever changes I make to the filter are not being recognized by the event calendar. I also tried it on the calendar and that doesn't work either. Though filters have been working for me on repeaters.

Also, I saw that Kentico had supposedly fixed this in 6.0.34. I'm currently running 6.0.4297 and it doesn't work. Are there any new files I need to download?


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kentico_edwardh - 8/15/2012 1:03:05 PM
RE:Custom Filter and Event Calendar problem

Well, it's possible this issue is directly related to the bug fixed in hotfix #34. Can you please try applying the latest hotfix and then retesting the calendar filter. You can download the latest hotfix package here - www.kentico.com/Downloads/HotFix/6_0/Hotfix_6_0_44.exe

Version 6.0.4297, is version 6.0 without any hotfixes applied.

Best Regards,
Edward Hillard