Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > HTTP only Cookies View modes: 
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anthony.halliday-motivetechnology - 8/14/2012 10:32:16 AM
HTTP only Cookies
Hi, i have added the cookie consent and its working ok but i would like to access the cookie it stores (CMSCookieLevel) via JavaScript but by default the cookie is stored as http only so i cannot access it via JavaScript.

Is there any way of changing the "HttpOnly" property of the cookie?

Thanks, Anthony.

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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
Jiveabillion - 8/14/2012 1:59:21 PM
RE:HTTP only Cookies
You could maybe edit the source code of the cookie consent web part so that it doesn't set that property of the cookie.

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anthony.halliday-motivetechnology - 8/15/2012 10:47:42 AM
RE:HTTP only Cookies
Hi, ye that was the original plan but just sorted it with javascript.

Thanks for the reply.
