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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Admin unwanted logout problem View modes: 
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sitesme-gmail - 6/1/2012 4:04:33 AM
Admin unwanted logout problem

We are giving our first steps in Kentico.
After the installation of the framework, we login using the default user administrator and blank password.

After a few seconds (not even a minute) the login screen keeps appearing over and over.
I tried the timeout configurations in the config file but I don't this is the problem.

Is there something we need to do?
We are using Windows 2008 R2 with ASP 4 and MSSQL 2008

Many thanks

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/1/2012 1:28:00 PM
RE:Admin unwanted logout problem

Are there any errors logged in the Site Manager -> Administration -> Event log?
It seems that the application or the application pool is being killed for some reason.
Are there set any CPU and memory limits in the IIS?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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sitesme-gmail - 6/2/2012 4:24:40 AM
RE:Admin unwanted logout problem
Hi Juraj,

Thank you for your pointing me out the Event Log.
I found several errors/warnings like this: http://d.pr/i/q3s in the Event log and here is the most recent one: http://d.pr/n/2oOM

We are using an affordable shared hosting with Plesk, the pool control we have is just this: http://d.pr/i/lKh7 and I don't have any experience in Windows hosting (only linux).

CPU and memory is hard to tell because it's a shared environment.

Do you think this hosting is not suitable or is it something we can change in Plesk to make this possible?

Many thanks

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/2/2012 10:14:39 AM
RE:Admin unwanted logout problem

Could you please click the icon on the left side of the ENDAPP event to see more details?
Also, could you please ask your hosting provider what are the limits set? It is recommended to have more than 200MB of allocated memory, best size is about 1GB.
Kentico is already pretty big system and application and requires bit more resources.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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sitesme-gmail - 6/2/2012 12:56:09 PM
RE:Admin unwanted logout problem
Hi Juraj,

This is the results: http://d.pr/n/2oOM

I'm waiting for the hosting answers about the limits.

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sitesme - 6/2/2012 3:30:21 PM
RE:Admin unwanted logout problem
Ok, apparently the hosting only allows 64MB per account or per application (not really sure). I guess the problem is easy: this hosting is not suitable for Kentico.

Thank you anyway for your help.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/2/2012 4:25:09 PM
RE:Admin unwanted logout problem

No problem. You should look for a hosting that meets our system requirements or, use one of our hosting partners.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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ashcol-gmail - 8/13/2012 9:02:24 AM
RE:Admin unwanted logout problem
I’m getting the same error (keeps login me out), after installing a fresh copy of Kentico (free edition) on hosting server. I’ve checked the hosting requirements and everything seem to be in order.

Is anyone else having this issue, is it an hosting issue?

I did however, see this error when trying to installing a web template:
“The worker thread has been aborted, this might have been caused by the application restart. Please check if the action succeeded and repeat the action if not.”

Kind Regards,

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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
Jiveabillion - 8/13/2012 9:18:16 AM
RE:Admin unwanted logout problem
It could still be the memory. How much memory did you get with your new hosting environment. How close is it to the minimum requirements? I find that a fresh install of Kentico usually uses around 300 -500MB of memory with a light load on it. It is a very big application.

I do hope you get this worked out because I don't believe that you will find a better CMS out there.

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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
Jiveabillion - 6/1/2012 2:24:52 PM
RE:Admin unwanted logout problem
Check your cookies on your browser and maybe check the clock on the server.