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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Check in/check out, versioning View modes: 
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shelley.ford-celero - 8/22/2012 7:56:43 AM
Check in/check out, versioning
I'm trying to use versioning without workflow with check in/check out. In Site Manager, I've gone to Development -> Workflows > Versioning without workflow; Automatically publish changes is checked off and I've selected Yes for Use check-in/check-out. I have left everything as is for this workflow. I followed the instructions from developer's guide, Content management > Workflow and versioning > Versioning without workflow.

For content locking I've gone to Site Manager > settings > content > content managing and checked off Use check-in/check out.

When I go to CMS Desk and look at the Properties of a document and choose Workflow the message "The document is not configured to use workflow and versioning." is displayed. The same message is displayed when I view Versions.

As well, I expected a lock symbol to be displayed beside each of the documents in the content tree as well as an option to check out a document when I go to edit (this includes web pages with editable text). What am I missing?

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shelley.ford-celero - 8/22/2012 8:01:16 AM
RE:Check in/check out, versioning
Hi figured it out...not sure what I did...i'll have to investigate later. thx for your trouble!

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shelley.ford-celero - 8/22/2012 9:52:24 PM
RE:Check in/check out, versioning
check in/check out: Site Manager -> Settings -> Content -> Content Management -> Workflow -> Use check-in/check-out

Versioning without workflow: Site Manager -> Workflows -> versioning without workflow (edit) -> Scope -> New workflow scope: starting path /; document type (all); culture (all)