Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Custom Product Integration View modes: 
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Brandon - 8/21/2012 7:27:00 AM
Custom Product Integration
Hello again Kentico Community,

I've been developing a custom product(s) section for my company and I have a few question about how to integrate it fully with the CMS.

Right now I have a single ASPX page that is provided / reads from the query string in the code behind to populate the page with all of the specific product details. As an example, it would be www.mywebsite.com/Product?ID=1234.

The only downside to this is that it doesn't seem to be fully integrating with the CMS. Under the E-Commerce section of the website each product has no associated product. Another short coming of this approach is that the links created in the shopping-cart don't link to my product page (for the same reason I'm sure). Oh, and the cms:CMSListMenu doesn't populate each product. I realize the reason for this is because there is only the one single ASPX page within my Content Tree.

Is there a way to integrate this method with the CMS so that I can associate each product as having it's own page? If not, how can I set each product to use this template so I can add each product to my content tree?

Thanks in advance!

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Jiveabillion - 8/21/2012 3:24:32 PM
RE:Custom Product Integration
You can set the default page template for your product document type so that newly created documents will automatically use that template. Instead of using a querystring parameter to access the product, you should just use the product's NodeAliasPath or DocumentUrlPath.

Can you clarify what you mean by "custom product(s) section" Is it a section that doesn't use products added in the content tree?

Are you storing your products in your database some other way?

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Brandon - 8/21/2012 3:39:57 PM
RE:Custom Product Integration
Thanks for the reply @Jiveabillion,

I'm not sure why I didn't consider changing the template on the document type. Seems straight forward. Then I would just add whichever products I want to show as 'Product' document types in the content tree. The only downside to this is just that, I would have to add each product manually rather than generate them automatically from E-Commerce module. I can see pros and cons to each method.

By "custom product(s) section" I just meant that it is a personalized view of the e-commerce products. Not based off of the e-commerce website template included with Kentico.

I'm storing the products in the database through the E-Commerce module (CMSDesk > Tools > E-Commerce > Products.).

I would be interested to know if there was a way to associate the e-commerce module products with my single page template (with a query string specific to that product's ID). This would at least fix the shopping cart links and the CMSDesk would show there were documents associated. Doubtful.

THANKS again!

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kentico_helenag - 8/22/2012 3:21:01 AM
RE:Custom Product Integration

the products in the e-commerce section need the associated document in the content tree. Please read this article to understand the system: How do document types differ from e-commerce products?

Without the associated documents, the system cannot work correctly on the live site. You can create them by API if you need. A sample code is in Site manager -> Support -> API examples.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova