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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Lightbox gallery - Custom button images not working View modes: 
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simon - 8/9/2012 1:55:54 AM
Lightbox gallery - Custom button images not working

I have a Lightbox gallery webpart that works great, but i need to customise the lightbox look. Specifically, i need custom close/ next/back buttons.

Problem is, in the light box configuration section of the webpart, every field works except the image options. Event if I specify a full url to an image, the default images are used.

for example i have "/images/imr/btnclose.gif" in the "Close button image:" field, yet i still see the default X. Is there something else I need to set ? I know i can just over write the files being used, but i'd like to know why the properties of the web part are being ignored. I've checked the source of the webpart and Its not been modified.

Just tried to put something in teh "Group Name" field, the light box started to render then just displayed the full image. Is this expected behaviour ?

I also need to have this close button on the top of the light box, not on the bottom as it is in the default. How do I achieve this ?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/9/2012 5:19:41 AM
RE:Lightbox gallery - Custom button images not working

I ahve tried to reproduce the issue and, really, there is a bug that these web part properties are not configured correctly within the Lightbox gallery web part.

We will fix it in hotfix 6.0.45 which will be released next Friday. I am sorry for your inconveniences. Then it will work.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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simon - 8/9/2012 5:48:57 AM
RE:Lightbox gallery - Custom button images not working

Thanks for a fast reply.

I've also noticed in the default selected item transform, there is one line of code which renders the image. If I put some html/macros after this line i will see the html/macro output fine. But if I put it before that line, the lightbox pops up and displays the loading image and never moves on. I'm not sure if that issue is related to the bug or my fault in not understanding how the selected item transform works, but I thought I should mention it.

Also, is there a way to modify the layout of the light box, so that when I can display my custom buttons, I can put them where the designers want them ?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/20/2012 2:47:21 AM
RE:Lightbox gallery - Custom button images not working

when you see only the loading image, it means the content was not loaded. You can test it when ou add only simple content before the image (e.g. word "test"). You can extend the time out by this property: Load delay and speed up resizing by: Resize speed. If the main image is smaller, it also helps. The difference between content before and after is probably in the way how the browser loads the source. If the borwser does not download the full content of Selected item transformation until the timeout, you only see the loading icon.

The layout of lightbox is stored in the full source code. If you didn't purchased it, you cannot access this code.

If you do not like the built-in lightbox, you can always integrate a 3rd party lightbox and use only data from Kentico to provide it to that control. An example: Integrating 3rd party components in Kentico CMS.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova