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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Intranet Portal Department RSS Feeds do not show content View modes: 
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andy-procaresoftware - 8/30/2012 12:42:24 PM
Intranet Portal Department RSS Feeds do not show content
We are utilizing the DepartmentLatestNews widget on department home pages with the Intranet content box RSS widget container. When we click the RSS icon to view the RSS feed it displays the Title of the feed but no content (News Text).

Keep in mind using the IntranetLatestNews on the main site home page works okay.

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Thanks for any help on this.

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Jiveabillion - 8/30/2012 12:54:05 PM
RE:Intranet Portal Department RSS Feeds do not show content
Can you see the news items when you view the rss feed in your browser?

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andy-procaresoftware - 8/30/2012 1:14:52 PM
RE:Intranet Portal Department RSS Feeds do not show content
Please see the screenshot. The right portion is the browser window.

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Jiveabillion - 8/30/2012 1:30:59 PM
RE:Intranet Portal Department RSS Feeds do not show content
have a look at the transformation you are using for your rss feed. Make sure it has what is needed to output the content.

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andy-procaresoftware - 8/30/2012 2:38:33 PM
RE:Intranet Portal Department RSS Feeds do not show content
Thank you for the suggestion, the transformation was incomplete.