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josh.heaton-gmail - 8/27/2012 12:54:15 PM
Password Request / Emails
A impatient client of mine recently attempted to reset his password. He tried 6 submissions within a 2 minute time frame.

My first question: Are there any type of anti-spam techniques built into the email system of Kentico. 3 of the emails were sent out but there were still 3 sitting in the queue. I seen Kentico had Flood Control, but from what I could tell this is only used within the Kentico site for messages, and forum posts. I had checked this and the feature was turned off.

My next question: It seems like the password reset piece is bugged. I attempted to reset my password in a similar "impatient" fashion as my client. I had some emails sitting in the queue and some actually sent out. When I clicked the link of the first few emails, they were marked as expired, but when I clicked the link on the last email I could reset my password. Also, I went back to the first emails that were expired and the link allowed me to reset my password. Is this desired functionality or is this to be understood as this should never happen in a normal scenario.

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 8/29/2012 9:44:02 AM
RE:Password Request / Emails
Emails are queued by default and a global scheduled task runs every minute by default. So depending on if you are using your own mail server or have an external smtp service, there could also be settings there that throttle back how often messages are sent as well.

From my experience, if you request a password and request another one shortly after without using the first link or password, the first one becomes obselete and the second one takes over. Same would hold true with requesting it 6 times, the first 5 would be obselete.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/30/2012 5:15:06 AM
RE:Password Request / Emails

The flood control works when using the forms, logon and so on. (It is not applied only for a global administrator user.) But it is designed for robots, the normal user didn’t notice the protection unless he/she clicks as fast as he can.

FroggEye said it correctly about the e-mail queue and e-mails expiration.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova