Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Webpart for "report a problem with this page" View modes: 
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dfurler-liv.asn - 8/8/2012 9:36:26 PM
Webpart for "report a problem with this page"
Hi There,

I want to implement a page feature on an intranet site to allow users to "report a problem with a page" - eg. Out of date content, incorrect information, whatever.

Ideally I suppose it would just be a link in the footer that redirects to a simple text area so users can detail the issue they have, and have that emailed (along with the redirecting page URL and title) to an email address.

I can't seem to see a suitable webpart and am wondering if it is so simple others have implemented it another way? A modification to the abuse report webpart maybe?


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Jiveabillion - 8/8/2012 10:11:19 PM
RE:Webpart for "report a problem with this page"
Make a bizform on a page that collects the data about the problem. Then make a simple static text or static html web part that links to it. Easy as that.

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dfurler-liv.asn - 8/23/2012 9:19:06 PM
RE:Webpart for "report a problem with this page"

So sorry for the late reply.

Thank you for your answer. I think my problem is actually trying to figure out how to send the URL of the page with the issue to the bizform.

I will look into it more and post the answer here hopefully for others.

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Jiveabillion - 8/24/2012 10:34:02 AM
RE:Webpart for "report a problem with this page"
In your static text webpart that links to the page do something like this

<a href="/url/to/your/form.aspx?problempath={%NodeAliasPath%}">Report a problem with this page</a>

(I think) In your bizform you can set the default value of a text field to {%problempath%} and it should automatically fill it with the value passed by the querystring parameter.

If it doesn't work as a bizform, then you can write a custom web part with the form and handle anything you need in there.