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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Google Map Widget - Inline View modes: 
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lukejamesk-gmail - 9/6/2012 6:03:28 PM
Google Map Widget - Inline
I am trying to place a Google map widget into a page using an inline widget. I have enabled in the security tab for it to be displayed as an inline widget.

The widget however isn't appearing on the page. The html mark up and the JavaScript is being rendered however the JavaScript isn't firing. I can manually fire this through the browser console though.

The odd thing is if I use the exact same settings and place a Google map widget using a widget zone everything works fine. The static Google maps widget works completely fine inline also.

One oddity I noticed is the inline Google map widgets id is only "_map".

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 9/7/2012 10:02:09 AM
RE:Google Map Widget - Inline
Hi Luke,

Which version of Kentico CMS are you using?
Could you please apply the latest hotfix for your version and try it after this step again?

I was able to reproduce this issue (in Kentico v6.0 SP1) and after applying the latest hotfix I also need to delete the old widget and insert it again. Now everything works fine. There was probably a bug which was fixed.

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lukejamesk-gmail - 9/10/2012 1:33:59 AM
RE:Google Map Widget - Inline
Hi Martin,

Thank you for the reply.