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kmiday-cuyahogalibrary - 11/21/2013 3:58:18 PM
BizForm Emails and Redirect
Hi Everyone,

I currently have a custom webpart setup based on the bizform webpart. It is currently setup so that on the OnAfterSave event the form redirects to a new URL with a querystring that includes information entered into the form.

Previously the form sent a notification email and then redirected the user after submitting. I'm not sure what has changed but recently submitting the form still redirects the user, but no longer sends a notification email.

Should I be putting the redirect in a different step of the form processing? If so, which step? Or should I include specific code to trigger the notification email being sent before redirecting the user in the codebehind?

Is it possible to specify columns from the form in a macro in the Redirect to URL field on the General tab? Like you can specify the email field from the form in the "From" address in the notification tab.

Thanks in advance.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 11/24/2013 3:21:05 AM
RE:BizForm Emails and Redirect

Why don't you use the default Form module? There is also a field where you can specify where to redirect your visitor after he/she fills the form. This field can also contain macros, so any field in your form can be pass to this url like this:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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kmiday-cuyahogalibrary - 11/26/2013 6:00:17 AM
RE:BizForm Emails and Redirect
Hi Jan,

Thank you for your reply. It is good to know about the ability to insert macros, and that solution will solve our issue temporarily.

Soon our organization will be building additional logic into the codebehind that will need to be processed after the form has been submitted/saved.

Is there a specific step in th form processing that I should use? Will I need to manually instruct the form to send the notification email?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 11/26/2013 6:45:02 AM
RE:BizForm Emails and Redirect

yes, if you handle forms by yourself, you need to send those notification (and autorespod) templates manually as well:

CMS.FormControls.BizForm.SendNotificationEmail(String, String, IDataContainer, BizFormInfo)
CMS.FormControls.BizForm.SendConfirmationEmail(String, String, IDataContainer, BizFormInfo)

Best regards,
Jan Hermann