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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Including external links in a tag cloud View modes: 
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ECAbacus - 9/14/2012 11:23:25 AM
Including external links in a tag cloud
I need a means of including external links within a document search by tags. Obviously I could just create a doctype called "External Link" and assign it tags and a url property, but I was wondering if there was an existing means of doing this so I'm not reinventing someone else's wheel.


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Jiveabillion - 9/14/2012 3:05:47 PM
RE:Including external links in a tag cloud
I think the idea you have might be the easiest way to do what you want. Otherwise, you would have to somehow query external data and merge it into the data you get from Kentico and output those results.

It's not entirely clear to me what your exact goal is here either.