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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Automated Linked document creation. View modes: 
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stephen.turley-terradon - 9/11/2012 10:11:45 AM
Automated Linked document creation.
I'm looking to add the ability to create linked documents automatically based on a "Sites" I've added to a number of different documents. I'm not sure where I could add the code to do this. Ideally there would be an onDocumentCreated or onDocumentSaved event that I could capture. Any ideas?

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Jiveabillion - 9/11/2012 4:43:41 PM
RE:Automated Linked document creation.
Remember where I showed you how to add stuff to the search index so you could search by category? This Thread

In the same place you can subscribe to DocumentEvents.Insert.After and create your linked documents there.