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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Forms permissions View modes: 
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shelley.ford-celero - 8/27/2012 3:05:40 PM
Forms permissions
I created a very basic Contact Us form.
I created a user and gave them a role of CMS Editor. In the UI Personalization for that Role, for the Tools module, I checked off Content > Forms. I left Add a New Form unchecked.
When I logged into CMS Desk with that user and chose the Tools tab, I saw the Forms tool as expected. When I clicked on it I was able to see the Contact Us form but I also see a "New form" link. I had thought that leaving "Add a New form" unchecked would remove this link.
I would prefer the client not be able to add a new form as this would open up a whole new can of worms for them. Am I just not understanding how this works?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 8/28/2012 7:30:27 AM
RE:Forms permissions

You need to also set permissions for that role to not be able to create a new form in the Administration -> Roles -> <your role> -> Permissions -> Module | Forms section and set the Create form permission to false.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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shelley.ford-celero - 8/28/2012 8:58:42 PM
RE:Forms permissions
I have read form, edit form, read data, edit data, delete data set to Allow. Everything else including create form is unchecked. The New Form link is still appearing when I log in as my user who is in the CMS Editors role I can see the "new form" link when I go to Tools > Forms in CMS Desk

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 8/29/2012 4:28:00 AM
RE:Forms permissions

Yes, that link won't disappear, but after clicking on it you will get a permission access denied page, so you are not able to create a new form.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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lindsay.reid-celero - 9/13/2012 9:44:38 AM
RE:Forms permissions
I am having a similar problem with removing permissions to create a "New forum group".

Under CMSDesk > Administration > Roles > [role] > Permissions > Module > Forum, I get only 2 options, "Read" and "Modify", both of which need to be set to "Allow" to allow the user to create new forums UNDER a forum group. If I uncheck them, they cannot access this ability.

Under CMSDesk > Administration > Roles > [role] > UI Personalization > Dialogs > Module > Tools > Community > Forums, I have "Forums" checked off to allow them access to the Forum tool in CMSDesk. I've kept the "Add a new forum group" unchecked so that they shouldn't have access to do this. However, the add "New forum group" link still appears in their CMSDesk and when you click it, they still can add a new group.... not sure why this isn't working?

Please help!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/16/2012 1:45:47 AM
RE:Forms permissions

Thank you for letting us know about this issue. Regrettably, this seems to be a bug in the current version. I'm very sorry for this inconvenience. We will try fix it in the next version or in the next hotfix package for this particular Kentico CMS version.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus